Saturday 25 August 2012

First British Orchid Sighting

Despite the fact that as a child I was already engrossed and enevloped in the mysterious and wonderful world of plants and animals this all kind of started while lying on a hill side on the South Downs in Sussex with a 'teacher', Andrew Mason, and friends while on a Horticulture Course on the Youth Training Scheme.

During a break and all 7 of us lying in the sun Andy turned to me and pointed at tiny yellow flowers that surrounded us. Knowing of my involvements in plants and animals he asked if I knew what these diminutive little flowers were. Confused at what was so special about such a tiny plant I said no.

He told me they were Orchids and I sat bolt upright and then turned my gaze to these things that seem to be everywhere you looked, gradually went up real close for an inspection and said "are you serious?"

The Musk Orchid or the Herminium genus was the species there at the time and I wanot even aware, well I was 15, that there were even wild Orchids in Britain!

I immediately wanted to dig a couple up and was scorned for this and told that they were protected.

There was a bit of a gap but that was really the start where I took notice of the existence of Orchids in the world and despite various family members being into plants or gardening I had not been face to face with an Orchid before and there would be a long gap before I was face to face with them again.

Now, today, they are everywhere and in my home I am surrounded by them and just a few miles cycle ride from my home there are no less than 6 wild orchids, one of which i am yet to see in flower despite my efforts.

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