Sunday 27 January 2013


Having trouble with Blogger and YouTube!

Despite them BOTH being owned by GOOGLE, Blogger will not let me see all my own YouTube videos under in my YouTube Account and can only see ELEVEN of my THIRTY-FOUR videos for some bizarre reason i cannot fathom for the life of me?!

This one I cannot even find using the YouTube Search function for adding YouTube Video Links?!
So for now I am only adding this web address link until such a time I get an answer from Google as to why they have made everything that have look like it has been deliberately made to look confusing and none of the numbers work?!

Anti-trust anyone?!

Well at least I have done enough now to make the next 28 days very interesting. After this period is over any legitimate reasons for why things are more than a little bizarre go out of the window! I have posted about it on here and on a forum as well as emailing them but heard nothing...
So I have changed a few things over this weekend, today the 28th January 2013, and added a great deal of content in all forms and will be continuing to do so on at least half of my blogs over the next week.

For further details on this bizarre oddities you would have to check out my other blog but let me just say I am BSc Computing Science and doing that again with my eyes closed would be easier than understanding how to make a few pence from a certain number of viewers and certain number of clicks. Rocket Science is quite literally a damn sight easier to get your head around. It is ONLY a webpage for the love of god!!

If I wanted something this difficult to understand I would go do a course learning to speak and write in Russian or Chinese!


EDIT: NOPE!! 12 hours later and STILL the same?!?! LMAO! Yet when I go into my YouTube the Videos are all there and all listed and even copy and paste the link into the add YouTube link it fails to come up in the list but gives me loads of others that are NOT MINE?!

Yes well that works will then? Google have you ever looked up the word ERGONOMICS?! LMFAO!!


A sweep through of my Orchids Under the Stairs including the now fully flowering Vanda coerulea and all the others including my hybrid Phalaenopsis many of which themselves about to flower.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Vanda coerulea Bud Opening Part TWO

Part two of the buds on my Vanda coerulea opening and the next ones will be posted sooner than you might think!

I have also added flash fill photos to show you how the colours of Vanda flowers can go from purple-mauve to blue in different light.

In the first photo you can see the outer edge of the 19.7 watt Toshiba E-Core Bulb. I am pretty impressed with the results using these and on low wattages too! Well herein lies the proof that you can grow as well as flower Vanda under artificial light in the UK without the need for a tiny heated greenhouse either?!

So many Garden Centres and Nurseries have missed out on this for so long, such a disappointment as had I have seen these beauties twenty years ago I would have got into them way back then!

Vanda Coerulea Bud Opening Part ONE

Somewhat earlier then I expected and over taking all my Phalaenopsis my Vanda coerulea surprises me!

Friday 18 January 2013

Vanda coerulea BUDS X 5

Here are some pictures and actually a few days old now. There will be another post in a day or so of these buds, of which there are five, about to bloom... a few days after that will be a post in BLOOM?!?!

I am trying to play catch up with a number of blogs!! LMAO!

Dendrobium nobile BUDS

On my original Dendrobium nobile buds started to appear first, now the second one is producing them albeit a little behind.

Dendrobium nobile New Shoots

New shoots as well as buds developing now on both my Dendrobium nobile

Dendrobium kingianum Berry Oda

Right a little flurry of posts on updates and the start of a series of blooming and new growth!

Dendrobium Berry Oda