Friday, 16 October 2015


Not uploaded a lot in a while now.

Sorry ... lots and lots happening right now and all will become clear soon. Umm they currently are not clear to me right now! Lol!

Did this video several days ago and have been trying to upload it to YouTube ever since! In fact I am sure there are several other things I have filmed and photographed I need to upload?!

Anyhoo my Blue Bamboo Orchid, Dendrobium victoriae-reginae, has not only produced more than one clump of flowers it has now gonee mad and produced five or six clumps?!

So here is a video of it and I will try and get some pictures up ... umm if I took pictures?! I think I did? Trouble with one of my health conditions is one of the many things it does is screw around several times daily with short term memory! I will not go into the pain list nor the other 80 things it does, lol. Or my blood pressure going both way too high and way too low, or my Hiatus Hernia or Right Knee or my Oesophagitis! Hehe.

None of the above ... well OK one thing is causing me issues of late, the blood pressure going to both extremes and the cheap crap pills they keep putting me on and then taking me off again.

I am in the dark with my 'lots of things going on' which is exacerbating the blood pressure problem, lol.

But all will be good in the end ... and I now am at the end, thank God!

Now for a little video of a very nice Blue Orchid ...

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